Saturday, October 6, 2007
Egg sketch #8 **VIDEO**
Posted by
Dan P. Carr
1:46 PM
Tags: daily painting, studies, videos
Friday, October 5, 2007
Work in progress: Self-portrait
Posted by
Dan P. Carr
10:47 AM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Color chart: greens
10/3: To the 4 or 5 readers I have left: this might seem like a cop-out, I know, but the amazement I felt on the previous night came back once I showed Dorothe some of the subtle color mixes I'd stumbled upon recently. I should have done some actual painting and not obsessed about colors, but I can see myself putting this off indefinitely; I felt it was important to do before I decide to switch to different colors. This chart doesn't deal with any triads of subtle greys etc., but the greens from my two yellows, two blues, and black (I found my tube of Mars black but the difference between it and the ivory black was almost impossible for me to discern, so this is the ivory - supposedly the cooler one). It photographed pretty accurately, albeit dark, except that the pure ultramarine has a freaky electric glow here.
TOR=transparent oxide red
PB=Prussian blue
UB=ultramarine blue
Blk=ivory black
The swatch with the asterisk is the dark woody green I wrote about yesterday (see below), and the second row is the range made using it - so actually making triads, with each yellow. In the upper right between TOR and UB is my darkest shadow mix, and you can sort of see the inky browns that they make.TOR is similar to burnt sienna, but because of its transparency will mix differently with other colors. See here, at top, pure burnt sienna on the left and TOR on the right. Mixed with ochre, just below, they are nearly the same - though the TOR mix is more golden and not weighed down. At bottom is Prussian blue; with sienna it makes a nutty dark brown, which is nice but can be found other ways, while with TOR it somehow turns that incredible green, a new color with new possibilities.
The green does resemble Hooker's green, and I feel dumb now that I've looked it up: Hooker's is just a mix of Prussian blue and gamboge yellow. I wonder now though about Prussian being fugitive, and whether I should use phthalo.
Posted by
Dan P. Carr
10:25 AM
Tags: color charts, palette
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Egg sketch #7

Posted by
Dan P. Carr
12:02 PM
Tags: daily painting, food, palette, studies
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Work in progress: Self-portrait
Posted by
Dan P. Carr
11:41 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Work in progress: Self-portrait
9/30: Self-portrait, oil on canvas panel, approx. 8x6 in.
Lest this blog become just a series of tiny 20-minute sketches, I thought I’d better do something more involved. This time I wanted to do a more finished self-portrait. I can’t guarantee that it won’t end up an embarrassing mess, so here is what it looks like now. I think it is the beginning of a decent portrait, at least beginning to look like me – keeping in mind the fundamental structural concepts such as forming the sockets before eyeballs, I tried to address some crucial things before stopping: eyes going in the right direction (sounds simple enough), the corners of the mouth, and (in my case) looking like a member of the Taliban. Well, it’s on its way.
This is only an hour and a half of work so far and I tried to stay rough. The palette is typical for me nowadays: white, yellow, ochre, red, alizarin, transp. oxide red, burnt umber, cerulean, ultramarine, black. I should keep cad. red light off my palette and use it only in special cases (it’s not like I can't use the other colors to make everything way too hot); same with my old friend burnt sienna, as the oxide red pretty much replaces it. I might add terre verte or a similar green, if mainly as a way to remember to use greens more, but it still leaves the total number above 10, when painters like Nerdrum can work with 3 or 4.... I may well end up doing more of a dabby type of Nerdrumesque modeling here, thinking that I possibly relate to his style more than I thought. We'll see how it goes.
Posted by
Dan P. Carr
11:52 AM
Tags: daily painting, palette, self-portraits, work in progress
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Alphabet block
Posted by
Dan P. Carr
4:26 PM
Tags: daily painting, miscellanea, Old English, riddles, toys, words