1/19. Rubber duck, oil on linen panel, 4x4 in. SOLD
This duck is part of a Russ baby bath set that was given to Breagha a while back. I think it's one of the cutest duckies out there, but apart from being able to squirt water out the little mouth hole it functions poorly as a bath toy (being tall and top-heavy).
Old English word of the day:
snáw [snau]: snow.
Here are some shots of Breagha I took late this morning, taking advantage of some rare snowfall. It was already starting to melt by this time but there was still enough to have some fun with. [Every time she sees her duckie on the computer screen she points and goes "quack!" - or something between "kaaa" and "kaaaaack."]

hah! We've been treading the same water...
Nice turning of the form on the duck's left (our right) side.
Wow, this is wonderful. I just put a rubber ducky in a still life, but yours is much more evocative. Cute kid, too. :)
Thank you both,
I think I got lucky with this one, not fighting with the yellows too much and getting close enough with the drawing. Definitely got lucky with a cute kid too.
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