Sunday, September 9, 2007

Illustration Friday: "Momentum"

9/8: Momentum, oil on canvas panel, approx. 4.25x4.25 in.

I think I screwed up my eyes staring at the bright part so long.... How awesome would it be to see a liftoff for real?!


Unknown said...

beautiful colors and texture!

shaky mouse said...

this is fantastic..

studio lolo said...

Excellent idea! I think some people forget just how awesome our space shuttles are because we've had so many. I'm lucky to have been around for the first one when we all gathered around the TV for the momentus occasion.
Great work!

Anonymous said...

I like the point of view and the white burn like ignited magnesium. Very nice.

Tim Bye said...

Cool pic! I like your style - fabulous